Playwright: Lauren Gunderson
Directed By: Krista Schafer
Run Dates:
September 7, 2018 - October 6, 2018

Production Snapshot
As the British Industrial Revolution dawns, young Ada Byron Lovelace (daughter of the flamboyant and notorious Lord Byron) sees the boundless creative potential in the “analytic engines” of her friend and soul mate Charles Babbage, inventor of the first mechanical computer. Ada envisions a whole new world where art and information converge—a world she might not live to see. A music-laced story of love, friendship, and the edgiest dreams of the future. Jane Austen meets Steve Jobs in this poignant pre-tech romance heralding the computer age.
“What Gunderson achieves in ADA AND THE ENGINE is quite remarkable. She manages to capture the cognitive energy and intellectual intimacy that can strengthen a friendship…ADA AND THE ENGINE is a rare and special artistic achievement: an intelligent play about intelligent historical people that has been crafted by intelligent theatre artists for an intelligent audience.” —
Featuring Sarah Hawkins, Lindel Salow, Joshua Brown, Kez Settle, Cynthia Szczesny, and Matthew Wallace. Scenic Design by Eric Niece, Lighting Design by Harley Miah, Choreography by Geri Conner. Stage managed by Danielle Gilbert.